Dongguan Qingxi Bonded Logistics Center (Type B) passed formal acceptance

Partners On November 3, the acceptance team composed of the General Administration of Customs, Ministry of Finance, State Administration of Taxation, and State Administration of Foreign Exchange Perform acceptance.

The acceptance team listened to the report on the planning and construction of the Qingxi Logistics Center and the pre-acceptance report on the spot, and carried out on-the-spot investigations on the infrastructure, isolation facilities, dedicated channels and bayonet facilities, and supervision facilities of the Qingxi Logistics Center. The acceptance team believes that the infrastructure and supervision facilities of the Qingxi Bonded Logistics Center meet the acceptance criteria, and agrees that the center will pass the inspection. 

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Qingxi Bonded Logistics Center is the second bonded logistics center (type B) in Dongguan City, and also a major construction project in Guangdong Province and Dongguan City. The center will become a public bonded logistics platform serving Dongguan enterprises and radiating to Shenzhen and Huizhou. The acceptance area of this time is 124,000 square meters, and the built-up storage area reaches 100,000 square meters. Its functions include bonded warehousing, international logistics and distribution, simple liquidity processing and value-added services, import and export trade and re-export trade and other traditional businesses Emerging e-commerce and other emerging formats.
